STAND UP AGAINST GENOCIDE! JOIN US UPCOMING EVENTS REGISTER FEATURED CAMPAIGN NOT ON OUR DIME END NY FUNDING OF ISRAELI SETTLER VIOLENCE TAKE ACTION BREAKING: The Not On Our Dime! Act, which bars New York nonprofits from funding Israeli war crimes, was just re-introduced. This is urgent: since October, nonprofits have funneled millions to Israeli military units devastating Gaza and emboldened settlers expelling Palestinians from their homes across the West Bank.It’s going to take all of us to show our state legislators that New Yorkers stand with the Not On Our Dime! Act. Follow @notonourdimeny on Instagram for ways to plug in JVP_HV Instagram feed Some folks from the “Hudson Valley” are headed We are screaming at the top of our lungs for an #a Tomorrow come out and show solidarity with the peo Join us on December 8th 10:30 am in Rosendale. Lea Instagram post 18014969291397487 Load More Follow on Instagram